
Bradoaks Elementary Science Academy Parent-Teacher Association

PTA President - Denise Fundora Manzur

[email protected]

The Bradoaks PTA is dedicated to supporting educational success and creating lasting memories that our children will cherish throughout their lives. We are committed to working alongside our teachers and staff to instill the core values that define our school: Responsibility, On-task behavior, Attitude, and Respect.

Please join the PTA and help determine the best ways to support a positive school year for our students. The PTA organizes and provides fundraisers to ensure we have sufficient funds for student support and enrichment. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s not in-class learning, it is organized, executed, and funded by the PTA. The PTA board consists of our principal and a group of dedicated parents elected by the association members every year.

Thanks to the PTA, our students can attend field trips and participate in social and educational events such as science nights, the fall festival, bingo nights, the school dance, Accelerated Reader medals and program incentives, and the beloved ROAR store, where they can redeem their hard-earned Bobcat Bucks for toys. Last year, our PTA purchased soccer goals, playground supplies, and new umbrellas. We were also able to buy a class set of LEGO Spike Essentials for our robotics program and provide staff development for its implementation. The list goes on, but all of this is made possible by the support of our parents through PTA membership (which comes with no obligations!) and active participation in our fundraisers.

PTA meetings will be held on most first Wednesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. We hope you will consider attending a meeting or reaching out to us in whatever way works for you. We are here to support each other through these crucial six years of our children’s lives. They go by so fast!