School Policies » Positive Discipline Policy

Positive Discipline Policy

Positive Discipline Policy

The staff at Bradoaks is excited about continuing the Positive Discipline program for student discipline. The focus of this program is to teach children to be confident, responsible members of society by developing good communication and problem solving skills. The author of the book Positive Discipline in the Classroom, Jane Nelson, writes, “All the academic knowledge in the world will not help those who lack the self discipline, judgment, social interest, ability to make good choices, and sense of responsibility that enable them to act effectively in life.” Through the Positive Discipline program, Bradoaks' students will learn the social skills necessary for success in the world in which they live.

Strengthening Skills

In addition to learning social skills, students will also strengthen their academic and language skills, attentiveness, critical-thinking skills, decision-making skills, and problem solving skills. Using the Positive Discipline program creates a whole new school environment where discipline is positive, where students are included in problem solving with parents and teachers, where teachers help each other brainstorm options fordealing with difficulties, and where encouragement is the foundation. Your help and support with this program will create a safe, orderly, and pleasant school environment for all students. It will be our best year ever both academically and socially!
In the Positive Discipline program, each class determines its own rules for behavior inside the classroom. Once those rules have been set, every classroom follows the same basic set of rewards and consequences. These include:


  • Knowledge 
  • Positive weekly report 
  • Safe environment 
  • Mastery & Improvement Awards 
  • Preparation for the future 
  • Honor Pin 
  • Self-respect 
  • Positive phone calls 
  • Positive self-image 



      1. Warning
            a. Reflection time
            b. Personal Improvement Plan
      2. Think Tank (time in another classroom to think about ways to improve his/her behavior)
      3. Telephone call to parent or guardian
      4. Principal’s office
            a. Student will be sent home
            b. Behavior contract
            c. Parent meeting
Remember, a fresh start awaits each child each day…